
Cyberlab may be used by organizations to evaluate their security posture and to identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in their cybersecurity defenses.

The Cyberlab is designed explicitly for cybersecurity research, training, or testing.


A laboratory environment

Designed for Cyber Secutiry

It is designed explicitly for cybersecurity testing and research. It provides a controlled environment where cybersecurity professionals and researchers can test and evaluate the effectiveness of various security solutions and technologies in a simulated real-world scenario.


Simulation tools

Includes fundamental tools

 A variety of testing tools and technologies, such as penetration testing tools, vulnerability scanners, network simulators, and other cyber security testing frameworks to explore all risks in a real environment.


Evaluate cyber risk

Check the current security measures

Organizations may use it to evaluate their security posture and identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in their cyber security defenses. This can help organizations better understand their security risks and implement more effective security solutions.

Cyberlab provides a valuable resource for organizations and researchers to evaluate and improve their cybersecurity defenses, develop new cybersecurity technologies, and stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

Organizations may use Cyberlabs to evaluate their cybersecurity defenses or researchers to test and develop new cybersecurity technologies. They may also be used for training, such as providing hands-on experience for cybersecurity professionals. Contact us today to learn how we can help secure your business.

Key benefits

There are several benefits to using a Cyberlab for cybersecurity testing and research.

Controlled environment

Cyberlab provides a controlled environment for testing and research, which allows cybersecurity professionals and researchers to simulate real-world scenarios and evaluate the effectiveness of various security solutions and technologies without risking their production systems.

Risk mitigation

Organizations can use a Cyberlab to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in their cybersecurity defenses and develop more effective security solutions. This can help to reduce the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches.

Skills development

Cyberlabs can provide hands-on training for cybersecurity professionals, helping them develop the skills and expertise they need to identify and respond to cyber threats.


Cyberlabs can be used to develop and test new cybersecurity technologies and solutions, which can help the state the art in cybersecurity and develop more effective defenses against evolving cyber threats.


Cyberlabs can facilitate collaboration between cybersecurity professionals and researchers, allowing them to share knowledge, expertise, and best practices to improve cybersecurity defenses.

Cost savings

Using a Cyberlab allows organizations to test and evaluate new security solutions and technologies without investing in expensive hardware or software. This can help to reduce the cost of cybersecurity testing and research.

Capture the flag

From beginner to advanced levels with theoretical and practical sessions in our cloud-based labs or deployed in your environment

CTF is a type of competition in which participants (individuals or teams) try to find and exploit vulnerabilities in a simulated or real-world environment. The goal of the match is to capture a "flag" (a piece of data or a secret key) hidden within the environment, which is usually protected by various security measures.

CTFs can take many forms, including online competitions, on-site events, or training exercises. They often help cybersecurity professionals develop and test their skills in a safe and controlled environment and promote learning and knowledge-sharing within the cybersecurity community. Overall, CTFs are a valuable tool for cybersecurity professionals to develop and test their skills and promote awareness and interest in the field.

It can be run under the Cyberlab environment with a replica of your natural environment. Contact us today to learn how we can help secure your business.

Key benefits

CTFs can cover a wide range of topics within cybersecurity


Create the perfect environment for people to discuss cybersecurity and threats in an intensive discussion. The workshop facilitator and attendees interact to explore the various means that an intruder must gain access to computer resources, understand weaknesses by discussing the theoretical background behind and, whenever possible, perform the attack using Redstout’s Cyberlab.


Virtually replicate your network and IT environment for learning and evaluation (proof of concept) of new technologies and to test and improve your security tools and incident management processes. Whatever your need, The Cyberlab can provide you with a safe, cost-effective, and flexible virtual infrastructure env for your security projects.


Security training, no matter your level of experience or unique requisites. From basic to more advanced knowledge; for technology or product-specific skills development - REDSTOUT provides tailor-made training programs designed in close consultation with you and your team. Our courses can be delivered the way that best fits attendees’ availability and the organization's physical space constraints. Redstout methods leverage Cyberlab tools to provide each training with the required practice exercises.


Rua Adriano Correia de Oliveira, 4A
1600-312 Lisboa

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